Tag Archives: Donald Trump

The End of Roe, True Colors, and False Christs

Last Friday, June 24, 2022, is a day which will be remembered forever in American history, the day the Supreme Court of the United States overturned the absolute moral and legal abomination that was the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision, thus ending nearly 50 years of abortion –let’s call it what it is, baby-killing—on demand as the de facto law of the land.  This was something we all prayed for, yet I had never expected to see in my lifetime.

While far from the ultimate victory for pro-lifers (which will be nothing less than the abolition of all baby-killing in all states), it was a crucial victory, overcoming the greatest legal obstacle to legal protection of unborn children.  Thus, it rightfully should be celebrated by all Christians, and anyone else in favor of legal protection for all innocent human beings.

But, of course, not everyone is celebrating.  The left, unsurprisingly, is in full insane meltdown mode.  Its great idol Moloch has been dethroned, and all the demons of hell are thrown into a mad frenzy.  And make no mistake, the modern “woke” Left is indeed demonic.  This is evident by its idolization of every form of vileness and perversion, the destruction of innocent life, and the corruption of innocence: the murder of innocent babies, the twisting and mutilation of human nature and sexuality (“Male and female He created them”) in abominations such as the castration and mutilation of children, “drag queen story hours,” etc.  The shrieks, howls, and mindless tantrums of the unhappy devils are to be expected, and should not dishearten or deter us.  And they are busy spewing every lie and slander they can come up with.

The battle lines are being drawn.  The sheep are being separated from the goats, the wheat from the chaff.

But it’s not just openly atheistic or anti-Christian leftists that are unhappy at the end of Roe.  This event will expose many frauds and liars and the true colors of many are being revealed.  The battle lines are being drawn.  The sheep are being separated from the goats, the wheat from the chaff.

First, anyone who still thinks that the Democrat Party is in any way compatible with Christian faith, much less the Catholic Faith, or who thinks Democrat politicians are acting in anything approaching good faith, is a deluded fool. 

If you look at the actions and statements of Democratic politicians, it is clear that killing babies (“abortion rights”) is at the top of their agenda, and they are willing to do anything to advance this cause.  Biden (the “devout Catholic) is calling on Congress to codify unrestricted abortion into national law.   Democrats are calling (once again) to end the filibuster to get this law passed.  There is talk of increasing the number of Supreme Court justices (“packing the court”).  Bill Clinton’s weasel-talk of keeping abortion “safe, legal and rare” is a thing of the distant past.  Now it’s “shout your abortion!”

It used to be that left-leaning Catholics would justify support for the Democrat party by saying that its support of abortion was an evil to be overlooked and tolerated, because (they said) Democrats would help the poor and downtrodden, and if allowed into power would create a society in which there would be no need or desire for abortion.  Despite their “pro-life” rhetoric, Republicans would never do anything meaningful to fight against abortion, and Roe vs. Wade would never be overturned, despite three GOP presidents, so there was really no reason to favor them over the Dems.   Republicans were simply using abortion as a political football.

The second part of that argument was not entirely without merit.  For years, it seemed, pro-lifers got little from the GOP but nice words.

But then, Bad Orange Man Trump entered the scene, reducing both leftist Democrats and establishment Republicans to sputtering rage and consternation.  He promised three conservative Supreme Court justices and the overthrow of Roe v. Wade.  And now, his promise is fulfilled.

You might think left-leaning self-described “pro-life Catholics” would be pleasantly surprised and delighted by the Supreme Court’s recent decision, whatever their opinion of President Trump.

Not for Mark (“Marx Che”) Shea, and similar leftist “Catholics.”  Shea is not happy that our nation’s highest court no longer enshrines the killing of innocents as a “right.”  In fact, he’s downright furious!  For years, the increasingly unhinged Shea has spewed hatred and venom on the pro-life movement and all that they do (referring to them as “the so-called ‘pro-life’ MAGA antichrist murder-suicide cult” and similar childishly hateful epithets).

While Shea claims to be “pro-life” and originally claimed to oppose Roe v. Wade (while blaming it entirely on Republicans, and saying Republican-appointed justices would never overturn it).  However, once the SCOTUS leak was released indicating Roe could be overturned, he quickly decided overturning Roe would be an absolutely horrible thing.   In typical crazed leftist fashion, he throws out every outrageously slanderous accusation his sick brain can concoct, sternly warning us of all sorts of bad dystopian fiction scenarios where governors of “red” states will “deputize incels and neo-Nazis” to round up women to send to “gulags,” and women suffering miscarriages are slaughtered by “fanatics,” which he insists are imminent with fall of Roe.  According to him, conservative pro-lifers care nothing about unborn babies, and are motivated solely by murderous misogyny (odd, as the majority of pro-lifers are in fact women) and anti-Semitism (as, he says, Jews are fine with abortion, though that is not in fact universally true).

Lest anyone doubt me, here’s a link for those who can stomach it:


Such nonsensical garbage hardly deserves a response, but unfortunately that clown still has something of a following in left-leaning “orthodox Catholic” circles, and I’ve seen him defended, bizarrely, even by ostensibly “conservative” Catholics who ought to know better.  But his lies and slanders typify those of “liberal Catholicism,” and no doubt we’ll see them repeated in various forms in “Catholic” circles.  I have even heard reports of liberal priests giving “homilies” castigating conservative Catholics for “imposing their morality” on the government.”  I will deal with some of these lies in my next post.

The fact that such leftist “devout Catholics” are filled with such obsessive and demonic hatred for those who want to protect the lives of innocent babies, their anger and outrage at the thought of any restrictions or outlawing of baby-killing, and the outrageous extremes of the lies and contortions of logic they use to defend its enshrinement as a legal “right” reveal their true colors.  Despite their occasional use of “holy” and “Catholic” language, such persons worship a false Christ.  They are in fact neither Christian nor Catholic, but are, wittingly or unwittingly, worshippers of Moloch and his high priests in the Leftist State.   At this point the sheep’s clothing of the wolves has grown thin indeed, and those who cannot see through it are willfully blind.

And it should go without saying that this applies also to “devout Catholic” politicians such as Biden and Pelosi (whom Shea defends).

The true colors of plenty of “pro-life conservative” Republican politicians will be revealed as well.  And this is a good thing.  Discussion of life issues cannot be swept under the rug and ignored, but will be forced into the open.  No longer can politicians wear the “pro-life” label while avoiding meaningful action on the grounds that nothing can really be done until Roe is overturned.  It will soon become very clear which are spineless and deceitful frauds and phonies, and which are true defenders of innocent life.

The battle lines are drawn, and the enemy is now fully exposed.  Prepare to fight!  Deus vult!

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American Liberty: Greatest Casualty of the Covid-19 Hysteria

″”Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” 

Benjamin Franklin

Before I start, I’ll begin with some caveats. I’m not a “Covid-19 denier” or a conspiracy theorist. I don’t believe it’s “no worse than the cold,” a media hoax, or an illusion generated by the Illuminati/Alien Lizard-men/Dirty Jews.

However, today in most states, life is becoming like something out of a dystopian novel, or a Communist police state. “Shelter in Place” rules forbidding citizens to leave their homes without proof of necessity, people arrested for going on a drive, and married couples given citations for sitting too close to each other on a park bench. Churches forcibly shut down. Millions forced out of their jobs and livelihoods because the state has deemed their work “non-essential.”

Surely this is not the life of freedom our forefathers fought, bled, and died for.

And, yes, I’m aware there’s a pandemic, and I’m aware it’s serious. However, this is not, in fact, the first serious and deadly disease our country has faced. Our ancestors regularly dealt with waves of nasty diseases (yellow fever, etc.) which killed many people. However, never in the past did governments, state or federal, toss basic constitutional rights and freedoms out the window, and forcibly shut down large swaths of the economy.

In addition to the loss of freedom of assembly and religion (with “liberal” state governments also effectively restricting the right to own and bear arms), if the shutdown continues, we are headed for an economic depression of apocalyptic magnitude.

But, we are told, all this is necessary TO SAVE LIVES! Unless the government shuts down our economy and enacts all sorts of draconian restrictions on freedom, MILLIONS OF PEOPLE WILL DIE!!!

This alleged conflict between freedom/the economy and saving human life has recently become a major point of conflict and division among people. Those of us who question the wisdom of an ongoing, near-total shutdown of human activity and the economy for an indefinite period of time are regularly accused of either being in stupid denial about the seriousness of the virus, or else not caring if people die, or valuing money or the economy over human life. This had taken on, for some, the intensity of a religious crusade, or jihad. Question the doomsday scenarios, or the need for a forced national shutdown until a cure is found, and your credentials as a Catholic/Christian, or “pro-lifer” are questioned or attacked.

However, “the economy” vs. “saving lives” is a false dichotomy. We simply cannot afford to lock down a large portion of the economy until a vaccine is a available (which can take many months to years, if at all). This isn’t about whether corporate fat cats collect billion dollar dividends, but about (formerly) working people being able to put food on the table, and afford basic necessities, including health care. Not to mention the increase in suicide, violence, substance abuse, a serious depression will inevitably lead to. In the long run, far more will die in the wake of economic collapse than from the covid-19 virus. And unless a cure is found, a lengthy quarantine of the general populace will only postpone suffering and death from the virus, not end it.

We need to stop collectively panicking and cowering, and get people in most places back to work asap.

Those of us in businesses the government deems “essential” are working with mitigating protocols in place, so there is no reason most other businesses can do the same.

Don’t be fooled. The ghoulish Left, determined to “never let a crisis go to waste, is deliberately exploiting this tragedy and spreading panic for its own power-hungry ends, and install full socialist rule in the country (after dishonesty blaming President Trump and conservatism for the disaster) A hysterical, panicked population is a stupid, easily ruled population.

And the much of the institutional Church leadership is all too willing to forfeit its rights and duties in the face of the hysteria, as Catholics around the world are deprived of Mass and the sacraments.

Traditionally, in times of plague, Popes and churchmen called on the faithful to prayer and repentance. Could this be a chastisement for rampant sins that cry out to heaven for vengeance, such as abortion and sodomy (a vice apparently quite popular among Vatican clergy)?

No, we are assured by our Church “leaders,” God no longer punishes us for sin. Pope Francis instead declares the Wuhan virus to be the result of the “Earth Mother” “throwing a tantrum” over carbon emissions, or whatever.

Our “progressive” Church leadership no doubt thought trading worship of that mean, patriarchal God of the Bible for a non-threatening pagan earth-mother goddess was a sweet deal. But it turns out Pachamama is one crazy homicidal bitch.

I mean, even Hulk Hogan said we need to repent and turn to Jesus. Why is this so hard for the Jesuit sophisticates running the Church to figure out?

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Just Vote (Veto Beto)!

I know I haven’t ranted here in a while (too much to rant about, too little time), but I thought I’d use this outlet to gently remind all conservatives reading this (especially here in the Lone Star State, and in other states with hotly contested Senate or gubernatorial seats, but everywhere else too) to, if you haven’t already, GET OFF YOUR ASSES AND VOTE!!!

Please, no excuses, but if you must give excuses, at least, for the love of God, don’t give me any holier-than-thou moral high-ground posing.   You, know, the “refusing to vote for the lesser of evil” bullcrap about how you’re such a superior human being because you’ll sit there and do nothing and let our great nation literally go to hell, rather than vote for some flawed, imperfect Republican politician.  There’s just too much at stake this time.  The alternative to that flawed, imperfect Republican politician will be a crazed, evil Democrat politician.  The Left and the Democrat Party have now gone full-out bat-shit crazy, and are hellbent on utterly destroying both the Trump presidency and the anything that remains of constitutional principle, Christian virtue, and just basic sanity in this nation.

Take the great, until recently “deep-red” Lone Star state of Texas, where, since summer, “Beto” signs have sprung up everywhere like noxious toadstools after a rainstorm.   For anyone who’s been under a rock, the empty-headed spoiled-brat rich kid pretty-boy is the Left’s Great White Texan Hope, and new Democrat Messiah-in-training, heir apparent to Dear Leader Barrack Hussein Obama.  For this purpose, leftist donors from across the U.S. (and possibly beyond, if scandals are true) have poured record-breaking amounts of cash into his campaign, and national media have done their part to promote his rock star status.  The reason for this is not the man himself (a remarkably un-remarkable and vacuous candidate), but the hope that if they can run someone successfully in Texas and turn the Lone Star State blue, they can have an easy shot at the presidency if they run him in a future election.

“Beto” is from top to bottom a fraud and phony, so much so that he cannot even run on his own real name, Robert Francis O’Rourke, instead going by the Hispanic “Beto” (diminutive for Roberto), in hopes of fooling Hispanic voters into thinking he is one of them, and overcome any disadvantage against running against a guy who actually is Hispanic (Cruz).  He freely uses race-baiting tactics and whines like a snowflake against the evils of “white privilege,” while he himself is a walking definition of “white privilege,” a white dude from a rich family, the sort of guy liberals are supposed to hate (at least in the abstract).   He shamelessly copies Obama’s rhetoric and weird machine-gun burst speech patterns, while lacking Dear Leader’s rhetorical skills.  And, while vowing to vote to impeach Trump if elected, he regurgitates Trump’s “Lying Ted” attacks on Cruz from the 2016 GOP race.  His sole accomplishments he (endlessly) touts on his resume are making campaign visits to every county in Texas (as if this stunt proves anything beyond that he really wants votes), as well as having been in a punk band and being able to ride a skateboard.


While Cruz is still ahead (barely) in polls, the numbers show far too many Texans are buying into this crap.  It’s hard to how much of this is simply phony internet trolling by Democrat leftists (I’m praying most of it is), but I’ve been seeing far too many Texas “conservatives” claiming they will vote for Beto the Fake Mexican because they are fed up with Cruz for some reason or another.   Most of it being on the grounds that Ted is a gutless sissy and shameless political whore for supporting President Trump after all the nasty attacks Trump made against him and his wife in the 2016 GOP presidential race.

The “Beto” camp has milked the 2016 Cruz-Trump feud for all its worth, attempting through bogus “non-partisan voter groups” to get Trump-fans to vote Beto based entirely on Trump’s nasty 2016 campaign attacks on “Lying Ted.”  On the one hand, according to O’Rourke, Trump is an evil liar and crook who needs to be impeached.  While on the other hand, every ugly word the Trumpster uttered against his rival in 2016 is gospel truth, and reason enough to vote against Cruz.

Much as I admire sticking up for Mrs. Cruz’s honor and all, really?  For that, you’re willing to toss out one of the Senate’s most consistent conservatives for a socialist, open-borders, SJW, race-baiting, cop-hating, fanatically pro-abortion, gun-grabbing weasel, who would slavishly vote in line with Chucky Schumer, and has vowed to vote to impeach the President?  If this is the state of Texas “conservatism,” God help us all.  As the Dems are well aware, as falls Texas, so falls America.  (Perhaps most troubling, I’ve even seen “Beto” bumper stickers in the parking lot of my a very conservative FSSP parish.  Sadly, even some Trads have now bought into the whole “social justice” nonsense to the point that they are willing to support fanatically pro-abortion politicians.)

Not to despair, but we conservatives need to all look at the big picture, and make sure we vote Tuesday.  (if you haven’t early voted already, as I have).  This is about something a lot better than Ted and Beto (or whoever’s running in your state.)  If the Dems control Congress, especially if they win both houses, we’re looking at:

  • Yet more endless bogus witchhunt “investigations” into President Trump, his family, and administration, at the very least, and likely impeachment.
  • Votes to impeach Justice Kavanaugh, and perhaps Justice Thomas.
  • Blocking of any and all SCOTUS nominees anywhere to the right of Ruth Bader Ginsberg.
  • Legislation pushing single-payer socialized medicine, and bankruptcy by the entirely unsustainable “medicare for all.”
  • Gun-grabbing legislation, and a sustained attack on our Second Amendment rights.
  • God-knows-what assorted socialist and “LGB-whatever” legislation, and attacks on religious liberty for Christians.
  • Moves to abolish the Electoral College, and (if they win the house but not the Senate) abolish the Senate.

Unless all that sounds like fun, get out there and vote Red tomorrow.  And, yeah, I know most Republicans suck.  But the Democrats are pure evil.  And stark-raving  insane to boot.

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The NFL “Controversy,” Free Speech, & Leftist Hypocrisy

The whole NFL – national anthem thing has already been talked to death, and I don’t have a whole lot original to say about it, other than that as of now, I’m not watching NFL football .  Not that I think it will make a tremendous amount of difference, but, like plenty of others, I’m just in no mood to see sports (which used to be a diversion from all the political crap) turned into yet another opportunity for a leftist display of anti-patriotism, nor do I wish to be lectured on “social justice” by a bunch of overpaid, spoiled brat jocks.  It’s as annoying as overpaid, spoiled brat celebrities and politicians like Leo DiCaprio and Algore jet-setting around the globe, lecturing us Little People on how we need to reduce our carbon footprint.

But the Reverend Jesse Jackson has lately proclaimed the odious Colin Kappernick, who started this whole mess, a “martyr.”  Really?  Last I checked, he was still alive and well, even if not playing.  (Methinks the Good Reverend should shut his mouth, lest he start giving Pope Francis ideas.)  And some prominent black preachers in Dallas have loudly declared Jerry Jones a “slave owner,” and his ‘Boys “40 million dollar slaves”   forced to do “gladiatorial combat” but not to speak out by disrespecting our flag.  To state the stupidly obvious (which apparently progressives are too stupid to see):

  1. A) real slaves (I’m talking the real, pick cotton from dawn-to-dusk to the tune of the whip slaves, not 21st century snowflake wannabes) would never dream of 40 million dollar salaries nor any of the luxuries it could buy, and . . .
  2. B) At least to my knowledge, nobody put any of these guys in chains and forced them to play ball against their will. Nor has anybody prevented them from choosing instead to pursue careers as truck drivers, accountants, rocket scientists, janitors, or whatever.

While the facts simply don’t support the notion that there exists in 21st century America any systemic epidemic of white cops gunning down innocent black citizens, these jocks are free to express on their own time whatever opinions or protest whatever they want, no matter how asinine or ill-informed.  That has nothing to do with respectfully standing for the National Anthem before game time.  Most of us do not have the luxury of avoiding our job duties to engage in political grandstanding without losing our jobs.

And spare me the screaming and crying over President Trump’s remarks.  If he’d threatened to send in the National Guard or force players to stand by executive order, I’d be the first to stand with the NFL (or anyone) against him, as this would be a violation of the constitutional limits of presidential power.   I even read an article by a “conservative” never-Trumper which absurdly condemned the President for turning the American flag into “a White Nationalist symbol.”  I must of missed that one; seems to me it was protesting players who were making Old Glory into a symbol of racism, or police brutality, or whatever the hell they’re supposedly protesting.

Which brings me to a point I’ve yet to hear anybody make.  I haven’t heard a peep from the progressive Social Justice Warriors regarding increasing number of cases of people being fired from their jobs for expressing opinions off the job in personal blogs or social media that are deemed too un-pc (especially in regards to “social issues” such as “gay marriage” and abortion).  In one of the most recent examples, a Southwest Airlines stewardess was fired for expressing “highly offensive” pro-life views in social media.   As others have pointed out, this is a growing danger for committed Christians.  Even without the state violating first amendment free speech rights by censorship, they can still lose their jobs merely for expressing un-pc moral beliefs.  (It could certainly be argued that such things constitute unlawful employment discrimination on the basis of religious faith.)

But, you know,; unrestricted freedom of expression anytime, anywhere – just so long as you keep it pc.

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As General Robert. E. Lee Rolls in his Grave . . .

Well, the past week saw’s yet another media shit-storm hit the airwaves generated by a series of disgusting events in the picturesque college town of Charlottesville, Virginia, home of the UVA Cavaliers, Monticello, and its owner, American founding father Thomas Jefferson.

There, a crowd of racist, white-supremacist “right-wing” idiots and thugs got in  a nasty little rumble with a crowd of pc-fascist left-wing idiots and thugs.  (The latter being those heroic champions of “liberal” “tolerance” who go around beating up anybody who dare says anything they disagree with.  They call themselves “Antifa” – which ironically supposedly means “Anti-fascist” –  your typical leftist activist being mentally incapable of actually spelling out or saying the full word “fascist.”)  The melee culminated with one of the racist idiots committing murder by deliberately ramming his Dodge Challenger into the crowd of leftist idiots.

The racist idiots (I apologize for the redundancy; it’s sort of like saying “leftist idiots”) had supposedly gathered in Charlottesville to protest the decision of that town’s board (composed, apparently, of pc bleeding-heart weenie idiots)  to tear down a statue of former CSA commanding general Robert E. Lee, following the Left’s current mania to tear down and obliterate any and all reminders and records of our country’s un-pc past, shoving them down the Orwellian memory-hole.

Of course, both sides in this so-called “debate” are profoundly and abysmally ignorant of the actual Robert E. Lee, whose statue is supposedly at the root of all this crap.  Lee was far from the blood-thirsty, Nazi-like champion of racist hate that today’s fanatic iconoclast Left condemn him as, and that today’s neo-National Socialist “alt-right” thugs celebrates him as.

General Lee (the man, not the Dodge Charger) was by all accounts a true gentleman of the highest order, and a brave and selfless leader of men.   He regarded slavery as a moral evil, and at first opposed succession of the Southern States, stating that if he could, he would free all slaves in the South if it would prevent war.  However, when offered command of the Union Army, he refused to raise his sword against his home country of Virginia, and instead fought on behalf of his native land.  After the war, he accepted defeat graciously and urged reconciliation between North and South.

Similar was the case of the second most revered icon of the South, General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson (of whom I wrote a thesis in college), whose images are also being targeted for destruction by the rabid pc Left.  The Mexican War hero turned VMI professor turned Southern legend was a man of impeccable honor and morals who prior to the war volunteered to educate black children, and spent weeks in fervent prayer that war might be avoided.  Like Lee, he originally opposed secession, but refused to join Washington in fighting against his native state.

I want to pull my hair out every time I hear some self-righteous Yankee ignoramus (often a self-described “conservative”) declare matter-of-factly that Lee, Jackson, etc.  were “traitors” who “betrayed their country.”  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Their motivation for joining the Southern cause (which had a material disadvantage from the start) was actually patriotism.  In those days, one’s patriotic loyalty belonged primarily to his own state (their first “country”), rather than to the federal leviathon centered in Washington, D.C.  To join the federal government in attacking one’s state and people was regarded as an act of unthinkable betrayal.

Such men of honor stand in stark contrast to the ignorant savages of both today’s fascistic Left and racist “Alt-Right” who clashed in Charlottesville last week.

And please, spare me the endless crying about President Trump and his words, even blaming Mr. Trump himself for the violence.  Why in the hell does every damn thing have to be all about Donald J. Trump?  Isn’t the man’s ego big enough already?

The President’s initial condemnation of the ” egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence, on many sides” may have been too vague or weak for some, but it’s hardly the Hitlerian statement so many (including “conservatives”) are making it out to be.

But of course, today everything is politics, and politics is everything.  For the ghoulish, vulturine Left, every vile act of murder and depraved violence exists as a glorious opportunity to attack political opponents and/or demand the banning or silencing of something they don’t like (second amendment rights, the NRA, conservative talk radio, pro-lifers, Confederate statues, etc.)  Of course, it’s always conservatives or “the Right” that’s to blame, never anybody on the Left nor politically correct causes such as radical Islam – even if the killers are Leftists or screaming “Allah Akbar!”

At least in this last go-around, the violence was gun-free, sparing us (temporarily) the chorus of shrill demands for “gun control” (though “liberals” are still absurdly trying to link the “White Supremacists” and neo-Nazis to the NRA).  What’s next?  Demand the ban of cars?  (Seriously, I wouldn’t put that past them.)  But this helps prove the case, that where there is hatred, evil persons will find means to kill, regardless of what objects the government might try to ban from us commoners.  Evil and hate can’t be legislated out of existence by restricting people’s legitimate rights to own the means to defend themselves.

Much less will it be stopped by the frenzied barbaric push to destroy historical memorials, statues, flags, etc. , seeking to wipe out any part of our history deemed politically incorrect or “offensive” to our bleeding heart snowflakes.  If anything, that will set off the crazies.  After all, the “alt-Right” rally was in response to the decision to tear down a statue, not put one up.

But of course the Left and their media allies have already exploited this ugly little event (no, it’s not a “tragedy” – a tragedy means a fall of someone or something great and noble) to its fullest, using it to reinforce their Big Lie that they have been promoting for decades conflating all conservatives, and even all Republicans (or, in short, anybody and everybody who didn’t support Hillary or Bernie) with racists and neo-Nazis.  In reality, of course, the “White Supremacist” neo-Nazi crowd is a tiny, largely irrelevant fringe, and its race-based National Socialist ideals at odds with American constitutional conservatism.  And it’s being used to justify the radical leftist hysteria to purge our country (especially, but not limited to the South) of any reminders of its history and heritage (an agenda that polls shows is at odds with majority of Americans of all political persuasions).   (Here in Texas, “Antifa” idiots are demanding that statues of Sam Houston – ironically a man strongly opposed to Texas’ joining the Confederacy – be torn down. ) Of course, also, the media’e endless focus on such stupid racially-charged “controversies” serves as a distraction and smokescreen from the much more real and serious issues facing our country.

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Leftist Power-lust Trumps All: Our Descent into Madness

Once again, the various events and challenges of life have taken from my ranting time, but God knows there’s been no shortage of things to rant about during that time.

Over the past eight months or so, I watched, at first with bemusement, the left’s increasingly deranged and demented hysteria following the election of Donald J. Trump to President of the United States.  But now there is nothing funny about the deepening madness as the increasingly violent rhetoric and behavior on the left, has led, unsurprisingly, to a bloody assassination attempt (oh, sorry – I was forgetting there for a second that crazed leftist maniacs don’t kill people; guns kill people!  Mea maxima frickin’ culpa), and the largest political coup / witch-hunt in American history threatens to tear about what thin shreds remain of our Republic.

I don’t have time to follow every depressing and sordid twist and turn of this ongoing perverse political saga – that I’ll leave to others – but it is an travesty and outrage on so many different levels.   The same folks who disregarded the actual letter of the law to clear Her Cackling Highness Hillary of her obvious blatant violation of the Espionage Act, and had no problem whatever with Benghazi, Fast & Furious, or use of the IRS to target political opponents – or the prior administration’s illegal spying on political opponents (too bad they weren’t equally vigilant about Russia’s activities) – keep desperately searching for something, anything, to nail Trump on so they can impeach him.  As Joseph Stalin infamously said, “show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime.”

I’ll start by saying that – as you may have surmised by last year’s posts from during the GOP primaries – I was never exactly a fan of Mr. Trump.  I supported Ted Cruz.  But my issues with Trump, besides his dubious honesty and constant flip-flopping, boil down to him essentially being on yet another big-government big-spending liberal.  But, all LSD-induced lefty hysteria to the contrary, he’s far from the Second Coming of Adolf Hitler.  (To be fair, so was Dear Leader Barack Hussein Obama, though he was a soft-Marxist petty banana republic-style thug, which was bad enough.)

Still, for all his faults, Trump remains far preferable to Her Cackling Highness Hillary Rodham Clinton, who would have completed her predecessor’s packing of the courts (including the SCOTUS) with leftist activists, thereby destroying any conservative prospects in our lifetime.  I still thank God that she lost.

I’ve seen Trump’s politics referred to as “extreme right,” which is absurd.  In fact, overall Mr. Trump is the most left-wing Republican president we’ve had in a long time.  (Unsurprising, given that until recently he identified as a liberal Democrat.)  Despite all the left’s screams about “homophobia” and “reproductive rights,” he’s shown no concrete evidence of being a genuine social conservative, and his proposals for trade policies are not that different from Comrade Bernie’s.  That Trump is considered a dangerous ultra-conservative fanatic shows just how far down the rabbit-hole of radical leftist insanity the Democratic Party has gone.

I must say, though, that I’m touched at the sudden concern some of my friends on the left are suddenly expressing concerning  constitutional limits on executive power.  In fact, I’d actually find it heartening if it were at all sincere.  I’ve heard this concern about Trump’s alleged violation of the Constitution from folks who less than a year ago were deriding and pooh-poohing conservative concerns over government over-stepping constitutional limits.  Then, you see, the U.S. Constitution was simply a quaint and oppressive old paper written up by some Evil Dead White Slave-holding Males, completely irrelevant to our Complex Modern Times, and best completely disregarded, lest it stand in the way of our Dear Leaders paving the path to socialist utopia.  But, now, with a Republican in the White House, it suddenly matters again.  (Not that these folks could tell you anything about what the Constitution actually says, other than a vague notion that it somehow demands abortion and gay marriage.)

No, the Constitution matters no more the left than any other laws, to be twisted when convenient to attack and destroy political opponents, and disregarded completely with regards to one’s own “team.”  They really aren’t outraged at Trump because he’s particularly conservative or dictatorial, but simply because he stood in the way of Queen Hillary’s Destined Ascent to the Throne, which they believed her entitled to.  And if a real conservative (say, Cruz), rather than Trump, had beaten Hillary, the reaction would likely be even more vicious, ugly, and deranged.

Hopefully, the ugliness of the current situation will awaken all conservatives to the true nature of the left.  They are the enemy, plain and and simple.  Like the Terminator, they cannot be reasoned, bought or bargained with.  Endless compromise will get us nowhere.  Their goal is absolute power, and they seek to destroy everybody and anybody who stands in their way, and they will stop at nothing to achieve this end.  We need to stop playing their games and fight back – hard – lest we lose this fight forever.  (A good place to start is by supporting the Article V Convention of States.  Texas is in, y’all!)

And the sooner Catholics realize (as in fact Popes repeatedly warned us in times past) that the political Left is not our friend and ally, but our evil and ruthless enemy, the better.   But sadly, many pious souls will not until they inevitably come for them.  Too many have been seduced by the lies and false promises of socialism.  Until then we can expect our bishops to do nothing more than issue endless blandly “non-partisan” statements combining nice sentiments about the value of human life and family with calls for open borders and and an ever-bigger, gun-grabbing welfare state.  And so-called “orthodox Catholic” bloggers and pundits such a will continue to actively support politicians such as Clinton and Sanders, while making statements like Mark Shea’s idiotic claim that his “Catholic Pro-life conscience” compelled  him to support Hillary Clinton.  That’s right, the woman who said religious beliefs opposed to “reproductive healthcare” (aka abortion) “need to be changed.”  God help us.

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Supreme Injustice

I intended to rant on this subject much earlier, but unfortunately have been incapacitated by severe burns, but now I’ll go ahead and finish it, as this still burns me up. . . .

Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court issued yet another abortion of justice, striking down Texas’s state laws requiring abortion clinics to be subject to the same medical and sanitary restrictions as hospitals (and preventing the existence of Kermit Gosnell-style horror shows) in a 5-3 decision.  These laws had significantly lowered the rate of abortions in the Lone Star State.  This was a terrible loss, not just for the unborn of Texas, but for states’ rights and federalism.

This proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that for the political Left, and its judicial puppets, the “right” to kill unborn children is regarded as ultimate and supreme, trumping and triumphing over all else.

It, of course, builds on the unholy precedent of Roe v. Wade, which first enshrined baby-killing as a sacred and inviolable “right.”  But this decision takes this evil principle even further; not only is murder in the womb a “right,” but virtually no restrictions or regulations on the killing are to be allowed.

Of course, if the SCOTUS actually followed our Constitution (yeah, okay, you can stop laughing now), we would have neither Roe nor this decision, as nowhere in the Constitution is a right to abortion ever mentioned (all silly “emanations of the penumbra” bullcrap to the contrary).   Neither, of course, is the federal government given an enumerated power of deciding state abortion laws or regulations.  (In many places, taco shops and tattoo parlors are subject to more government regulation than abortion mills.)  Once again, the all-powerful Men in Black simply piss all over the laws of both God and man in service of the almighty leftist idol of “reproductive rights” (aka unrestricted baby-killing).

Ironically, many of the same liberals/leftists celebrating the SCOTUS’s striking down all restrictions on the “right” to abortion (nowhere mentioned in the Constitution) at the same time loudly demand all kinds of restrictions on the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

And bizarrely, following the SCOTUS decision, I saw a number of self-proclaimed “pro-lifers” turn their righteous ire, not on the Supreme Court justices who made this abomination of a decision, but instead on the Texas state legislature which made the restrictions on abortion mills, decrying their “devious” and “underhanded” methods.  This was accompanied by much pious finger-wagging lecturing over how “the ends don’t justify the means.”  Thus, the SCOTUS was right to strike them down.  But this is just more nonsense.  There is certainly nothing inherently immoral about the means of toughening standards on abortion clinics to try to bypass pro-abortion court rulings.  Nor, contrary to their shrill accusations, is there any actual “deception” involved.

This seems part of a disturbing trend I’ve noticed within the pro-life movement.  It seems there are more and more people who proclaim themselves “pro-life” and opposed to abortion, yet appear obsessed with attacking other pro-lifers (especially those more politically conservative than themselves), while passively bowing to the pro-abortion left at every chance.

Even though this 5-3 decision would have stood even had Scalia remained alive or replaced by a similar constitutionalist, this should focus conservatives, particularly religious conservatives, on the absolute necessity of defeating Hillary.  Under a Supreme Court, and most federal courts, solidly dominated by leftist justices and judges, things will only get worse, much worse.  While I’m no fan of Mr. Trump, he’s at least provided a list of solid constitutionalist judges he promises to nominate from for Supreme Court Justices.  Can I trust him to keep his word?  I honestly don’t know.  But I know I absolutely can 100% trust Hillary Clinton to nominate leftist activists who will scrap what little’s left of constitutional rule of law, and destroy any semblance of religious liberty.

You’d think Catholics and pro-lifers would wake up and develop a sense of urgency about this.  Yet, instead we have holy folks such as popular “pro-life” left-wing apologist Mark Shea (oh, sorry, Mr. Shea prefers to call himself a “Catholic apologist”) urging Catholics in swing states to vote for Hillary Clinton.  (Ironic coming from a man who spent much his career denouncing voting for “the lesser evil.”)

Nor, I’m afraid, can we look to much in the way of leadership from the U.S. Bishops and their bureaucratic mouthpieces.  They continue to play the charade of rightly preaching against the evils of abortion and euthanasia, while at the same time proclaiming virtually every contentious political issue to be a “life issue,” and insist that we must take the left-wing stance on the rest of these issues (immigration, “gun control,” environmental regulation, etc.) in order to be “truly pro-life.”  This sends the courageous, clear-as-mud message to us saps in the pews to vote however the hell we want, especially if it’s for a left-winger.

Catholic pro-lifers can keep playing these stupid games and losing, or we can take a stand and fight.  Time’s running out.

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Jihad, Guns, and Gays

Predictably, a shitstorm of Biblical proportions has arisen following the horrific mass-murder in a gay nightclub in Orlando last Sunday by a Jihadist Muslim who claimed allegiance with ISIS.  And shamefully, but just as predictably, the vulturine Left – including Obama and Hillary Clinton – has opportunistically exploited this slaughter, in their usual fashion, to attack second amendment rights and Christians, while ignoring the real threat of radical Islam.

Before I continue, I’ll just state that while, yes, the club’s patrons were engaging in a sinful, immoral lifestyle, that in no way excuses or lessens the evil of the murder, and this should be a solemn time of prayer and mourning, rather than self-righteous condemnation.  But neither should we react as some, acting as though the victims were holy martyrs for a noble cause, as so many are doing.  And I don’t believe the slaughter would be any bit less horrific had it taken place in, say, a school or a Wal-Mart rather than a gay club.  Using this tragedy to promote LGB-Whatever politics is as shameful as any other political exploitation, but of course the Left knows no shame.

While our Dear Leader still cannot bring himself to so much as utter the words “radical Islam,” he, Hillary, and the rest of the Jackass Party rogues gallery are once more seeking to punish law-abiding citizens by infringing on their right to keep and bear arms.  And the NRA-endorsed Donald Trump is talking of further restrictions on gun rights, reverting, as on abortion, to his liberal true colors.


In dealing with Islamic terrorism and violence in general, the Left typically takes two lines, neither of them truthful.  The first is to deny (a la Obama) that such acts of murder and terror, or that groups such as ISIS and Al Qaeda, actually have anything to do with Islam (which, after all, as no less an Islamic scholar than George W. Bush has assured us, is a Religion of Peace).

Of course that is nothing but pc hogwash.  I see no point, as a Catholic who believes Islam to be a false religion, to get into debates about whether violent Jihadists or more peaceful groups represent “true Islam.”  All the violent “extremist” views are supported by some Muslim clerics, and have backing in the Qu’ran , and, from the beginning, the history of Islam is far from peaceful.

But, whether you believe it represents “true Islam” or not, the fact is that the jihadist terrorists, whether formal members of terror cells or internet-inspired “lone wolves,” are in fact motivated by a religiously-based ideology.  Many on the secular Left cannot understand this, and insist that the “real cause” of Islamic terrorism must be something else – laying the blame on entirely on U.S. foreign policy (even though many attacks are in countries such as France), poverty and income inequality (even though the data says that most Islamic terrorists are not poor), and even that liberal catch-all demon, Climate Change.  (You see, gas from your SUV makes the Middle East more hot and dry, so the people there go mad and blow shit up.)  In short, nothing about Islamic terrorism that wouldn’t be fixed by a Bernie Sanders presidency.

But the claim that Islamic terror is primarily motivated by economic factors (which will be fixed, of course, by more socialism), rather than religious ideology, has no basis in reality.  There’s a reason the Orlando killer shot up a gay night club, rather than a corporate headquarters or SUV factory.

The other route is to acknowledge that Islam has a violent branch, but also to claim that it’s no worse in that respect than any other major religion, particularly Christianity.  This line of pc is typified by a presentation to West Point cadets a few years ago equating “extreme” Islam with evangelical Christianity, the Catholic Church, and Orthodox Judaism.

It’s not just militant atheists or secularists that use this line of talk; even the Pope has attacked generic “religious fundamentalism,” rather than radical Islam, following the Paris “Charlie Hebdo” attacks.

Of course, this is quickly dispelled as nonsense by the facts; there simply aren’t any significant numbers of conservative Christians or Jews blowing up buildings, murdering, and raping in the name of their faith.  (And frequently cited groups like the IRA are more political than religious.)  Take the most devout, hard-core conservative Traditionalist Catholic you can find (maybe at my FSSP parish). Start a gay club, or draw a blasphemous cartoon of Jesus, and he might start a novena of prayer and fasting for the salvation of your immortal soul.  His Islamic counterpart will load up his Sig Sauer, or load up his truck full of pipe bombs.

After the Orlando attacks, many on the left went one step further and actually blamed Christians, rather than radical Islam, for the killings.  We’re told that an “environment of hate” caused by anti-gay Christians was responsible.  Even liberal Catholic bishops have used this line, exploiting the killings to condemn Catholics who actually agree with Church teaching that homosexual activity is sinful.  (What about the “environment of hate” towards orthodox Catholics/Christians?)  And I’ve seen Catholics express guilt that “Christians like themselves” made the murder possible.  The reality is that Christians or Christianity had nothing whatever to do with it.

Please.  It’s time we wake up, stop being cowed by pc guilt-tripping, stand up for truth, call a spade a spade, and identify the real enemy: radical Islam.  We must not allow the left to continue to exploit evil acts of terror to advance its own rotten agenda, and chip away at our own liberties.

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Big Sports vs. Religious Liberty

Every day it seems, we descend further into madness.  And I’m not even referring at the moment to the presidential race.  Last week, Republican Georgia governor Nathan Deal, in typical spineless Republican manner, folded under pressure from big corporations including Disney and Apple, and vetoed a bill that would ensure religious liberty as guaranteed by the first amendment by, among other things, ensuring that ministers would not be forced to officiate “gay marriages” against their will.  In North Carolina, there is a lawsuit against another bill that would protect private business owners against such things as being forced to cater “gay weddings” or allow gender-confused dudes to use the ladies’ room.   The NBA has declared that unless that bill is vetoed, the All-star Game will not be played in Charlotte.

I don’t get ESPN, but it is on regularly at the break room at my place of work, and the channel seems to every day be less and less about sports, and more and more about pushing left-wing political propaganda.  It has heavily covered  the above-mentioned brouhaha concerning the NBA’s proposed boycott of North Carolina, siding with the NBA as if they were making a stand of great heroism and courage, as well as running sob stories about the alleged horrible plight of “transsexual” athletes in schools around the country – such as the epic struggles of strapping young “biologically male” jocks fighting for the “right” to play on the girls team and use the girls’ locker room.  (Sign me up, dude!)

I’m really not sure why the issue of “transgender” bathrooms and such is of such pressing importance to the NBA.  Are there really that many pro basketball players demanding to use the ladies’ locker rooms?

At the same time, ESPN is also heavily covering the epic struggle of heroic litigators against the Big, Bad Corporate NFL regarding the concussion issue.  (And in case you miss the larger political context, the commentators explain that in denying the danger of concussions from playing pro football, the NFL is exactly the same as the evil “climate-change deniers.”)  However, with regard to LGB-alphabet-soup issues, we’re supposed to root for the Big Heroic Corporate NBA against some tiny Christian-owned bakeries and such.  Now, Goliath’s the good guy, and David the villain.

The left (including ESPN) is always screaming about the power of Big Evil Corporations, and their undue influence on government.  However when the Big Corporations are pressuring and influencing government for socially “progressive” causes, this influence is applauded and celebrated.  And increasingly, large corporations push leftist social causes, helping win the favor of leftist politicians in our crony-capitalist system.


The enforcement of politically-correct social causes such as those mentioned by law on the national level is likely to happen if Hillary wins the presidency, and the packing of federal courts—and the Supreme Court—with leftist activists continues.  Basic freedom of religious practice will become a thing of the past.  (Though such judicial activism may prove unnecessary if Republican governors continue to act so spinelessly.)

One more reason Republicans and conservatives need to get their heads out of their arses and rally behind Ted Cruz before it’s too late.  And that loser Kasich should have gotten out of the race long ago.  He’s only helping Trump—and Hillary.

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