Monthly Archives: March 2016

The GOP’s Self-imposed Dilemma (And the Obvious Answer)

As we near the final leg of the primaries, the GOP faces some choices.  Some would even call them tough (though personally I don’t).

The Grand Ol’ Party could let things continue on their current trajectory, and nominate the vulgar, narcissistic assclown and “reality TV” star Donald Trump, a man who displays little more concern for constitutional limits on executive power than our current Dear Leader, and who opportunistically changes his political philosophy more frequently than underwear.  (This is also the man who spent his career buying and donating big bucks to every leftist Dem and establishment politician, while claiming he’s the only one who can fight corruption in Washington.)

Trump’s nomination, if we trust the polls, would most likely result in the election of the far viler  Hillary Rodham Clinton, and consequently the final destruction of what little is left of constitutional rule of law in America, as she continues packing all the federal courts, including the SCOTUS, with leftist activists.

Or (okay, maybe I’m fantasizing here), the Republicans could actually do the right thing.  That is, the two-bit losers Rubio and Kasich immediately get the hell out of the way, as conservatives have repeatedly urged them to do, and throw their hearty support to Ted Cruz, the only real conservative left in the race, whom polls also show handily beats The Donald in a one-on-one race, and who would also beat Clinton.  Disaster would be averted, and we’d have our first actual conservative president since Reagan.  Sounds like a win-win to me.

(It’s a bit amusing watching establishment-leaning “conservative” mouthpieces, such as the folks at National Review, suddenly, belatedly come to the realization that Cruz is the only man capable of trumping Trump, after spending nearly  a full year trashing, deriding, and dismissing him.  We conservatives heard ad-nauseum from GOP toadies about how we needed to wise up and stop supporting Cruz, and instead get behind someone “electable” like Jeb or Christie or Rubio.  Because, you know, people would actually vote for them—dammit!– if only more people would vote for them!)

(And, yes, that’s Marco Rubio, the great Catholic Savior in the Church of Universal Amnesty – lately reduced to playing Second Clown in the Trump Circus, as the two bozos merrily swapped goofy insults and pies-in-the-face and quarreled over the size of their respective johnsons.)

As I said, if Rubio or Kasich actually had any intention of saving our republic and defeating Trump and Hillary, they’d drop out (as of two weeks ago), and get behind Cruz.  But, they have no such intention.  Rubio, following Mitt Romney, is hoping to win Florida and urging Ohio voters to vote for Kasich.  (What politician in his right mind urges people to vote for a rival candidate?)  Obviously, Trump has a much better chance of being beaten by Cruz running one-on-one against him, than in a four-way race.

But the Republican Establishment bosses, and their puppets Rubio and Kasich, are salivating at the prospect of a brokered convention, where they hope that they, rather than the voters, can choose the nominee.  Don’t be fooled by their sudden newfound “respect” for Cruz.   They want Cruz as Prez even less than they want Trump.  They hope to be able to push the delegates to choose an “electable” nominee such as Rubio – or maybe even someone air-dropped in like Romney (you know, the guy who saved us all from Obama back in ‘12).

Of course, even a kindergartner could see that essentially giving the finger to 80% of Republican voters is a sure-fire losing strategy.  As if all those already fed-up voters who support Trump or Cruz will peacefully accept having their vote rejected by the party bosses and happily vote for whomever the Establishment spoonfeeds to them.  (For the record, being a dirty pragmatist sell-out, I’d personally vote for almost anyone to avert the trainwreck of a Hillary presidency, but I know many other, more pure, souls who would absolutely not.)

Either the GOP bosses are so utterly and insanely set in their delusions of grandeur that they actually believe they can pull this on the American people, or else they prefer the reign of Hillary and the death of our constitutional republic to the horrifying prospect of an “outsider” in the White House and the loss of their own position of comfort and power.

God help us all.

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