Monthly Archives: November 2018

Just Vote (Veto Beto)!

I know I haven’t ranted here in a while (too much to rant about, too little time), but I thought I’d use this outlet to gently remind all conservatives reading this (especially here in the Lone Star State, and in other states with hotly contested Senate or gubernatorial seats, but everywhere else too) to, if you haven’t already, GET OFF YOUR ASSES AND VOTE!!!

Please, no excuses, but if you must give excuses, at least, for the love of God, don’t give me any holier-than-thou moral high-ground posing.   You, know, the “refusing to vote for the lesser of evil” bullcrap about how you’re such a superior human being because you’ll sit there and do nothing and let our great nation literally go to hell, rather than vote for some flawed, imperfect Republican politician.  There’s just too much at stake this time.  The alternative to that flawed, imperfect Republican politician will be a crazed, evil Democrat politician.  The Left and the Democrat Party have now gone full-out bat-shit crazy, and are hellbent on utterly destroying both the Trump presidency and the anything that remains of constitutional principle, Christian virtue, and just basic sanity in this nation.

Take the great, until recently “deep-red” Lone Star state of Texas, where, since summer, “Beto” signs have sprung up everywhere like noxious toadstools after a rainstorm.   For anyone who’s been under a rock, the empty-headed spoiled-brat rich kid pretty-boy is the Left’s Great White Texan Hope, and new Democrat Messiah-in-training, heir apparent to Dear Leader Barrack Hussein Obama.  For this purpose, leftist donors from across the U.S. (and possibly beyond, if scandals are true) have poured record-breaking amounts of cash into his campaign, and national media have done their part to promote his rock star status.  The reason for this is not the man himself (a remarkably un-remarkable and vacuous candidate), but the hope that if they can run someone successfully in Texas and turn the Lone Star State blue, they can have an easy shot at the presidency if they run him in a future election.

“Beto” is from top to bottom a fraud and phony, so much so that he cannot even run on his own real name, Robert Francis O’Rourke, instead going by the Hispanic “Beto” (diminutive for Roberto), in hopes of fooling Hispanic voters into thinking he is one of them, and overcome any disadvantage against running against a guy who actually is Hispanic (Cruz).  He freely uses race-baiting tactics and whines like a snowflake against the evils of “white privilege,” while he himself is a walking definition of “white privilege,” a white dude from a rich family, the sort of guy liberals are supposed to hate (at least in the abstract).   He shamelessly copies Obama’s rhetoric and weird machine-gun burst speech patterns, while lacking Dear Leader’s rhetorical skills.  And, while vowing to vote to impeach Trump if elected, he regurgitates Trump’s “Lying Ted” attacks on Cruz from the 2016 GOP race.  His sole accomplishments he (endlessly) touts on his resume are making campaign visits to every county in Texas (as if this stunt proves anything beyond that he really wants votes), as well as having been in a punk band and being able to ride a skateboard.


While Cruz is still ahead (barely) in polls, the numbers show far too many Texans are buying into this crap.  It’s hard to how much of this is simply phony internet trolling by Democrat leftists (I’m praying most of it is), but I’ve been seeing far too many Texas “conservatives” claiming they will vote for Beto the Fake Mexican because they are fed up with Cruz for some reason or another.   Most of it being on the grounds that Ted is a gutless sissy and shameless political whore for supporting President Trump after all the nasty attacks Trump made against him and his wife in the 2016 GOP presidential race.

The “Beto” camp has milked the 2016 Cruz-Trump feud for all its worth, attempting through bogus “non-partisan voter groups” to get Trump-fans to vote Beto based entirely on Trump’s nasty 2016 campaign attacks on “Lying Ted.”  On the one hand, according to O’Rourke, Trump is an evil liar and crook who needs to be impeached.  While on the other hand, every ugly word the Trumpster uttered against his rival in 2016 is gospel truth, and reason enough to vote against Cruz.

Much as I admire sticking up for Mrs. Cruz’s honor and all, really?  For that, you’re willing to toss out one of the Senate’s most consistent conservatives for a socialist, open-borders, SJW, race-baiting, cop-hating, fanatically pro-abortion, gun-grabbing weasel, who would slavishly vote in line with Chucky Schumer, and has vowed to vote to impeach the President?  If this is the state of Texas “conservatism,” God help us all.  As the Dems are well aware, as falls Texas, so falls America.  (Perhaps most troubling, I’ve even seen “Beto” bumper stickers in the parking lot of my a very conservative FSSP parish.  Sadly, even some Trads have now bought into the whole “social justice” nonsense to the point that they are willing to support fanatically pro-abortion politicians.)

Not to despair, but we conservatives need to all look at the big picture, and make sure we vote Tuesday.  (if you haven’t early voted already, as I have).  This is about something a lot better than Ted and Beto (or whoever’s running in your state.)  If the Dems control Congress, especially if they win both houses, we’re looking at:

  • Yet more endless bogus witchhunt “investigations” into President Trump, his family, and administration, at the very least, and likely impeachment.
  • Votes to impeach Justice Kavanaugh, and perhaps Justice Thomas.
  • Blocking of any and all SCOTUS nominees anywhere to the right of Ruth Bader Ginsberg.
  • Legislation pushing single-payer socialized medicine, and bankruptcy by the entirely unsustainable “medicare for all.”
  • Gun-grabbing legislation, and a sustained attack on our Second Amendment rights.
  • God-knows-what assorted socialist and “LGB-whatever” legislation, and attacks on religious liberty for Christians.
  • Moves to abolish the Electoral College, and (if they win the house but not the Senate) abolish the Senate.

Unless all that sounds like fun, get out there and vote Red tomorrow.  And, yeah, I know most Republicans suck.  But the Democrats are pure evil.  And stark-raving  insane to boot.

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